Information For Participants

THE AUDIENCE:  Students should arrive a few minutes early and wait quietly outside the Sanctuary until the previous class is over and the doors are opened.  Quiet games/books are helpful while waiting, but loud talking or noisy games will disturb the performers.  Inside the Sanctuary, the audience may talk quietly between performances but must be silent and not move about during a performance.  If you must leave after a performance, use the sliding glass doors (the wooden doors into the Sanctuary are noisy).  The sound is extremely live, so please do not open candy wrappers or rattle papers during a performance.  This festival is an educational experience, and the audience is expected to stay until all verbal adjudications are completed.  Babies and very small children have disrupted performances and must not be brought into the Sanctuary.

DIGITAL EQUIPMENT AND RECORDINGS:  Cell phones and other noise makers must be turned off.  Incidents have occurred when phones have gone off, upsetting the performer and leaving the student in tears!  Please inform relatives and friends that all noise makers must be turned off.  Use flash on cameras at the end of the performance only.  Record other students only if you have their permission.  Recording of the adjudicators is NOT PERMITTED due to privacy regulations.

PEDAL EXTENSIONS:  are allowed provided they do not interfere with the class procedure.  Private benches are NOT ALLOWED.

PRACTISING AND WARM-UPS: are not allowed on the festival pianos during the festival.

PHOTO-OP AREA:  A North Shore Festival banner or sign will be placed near the double doors just past the church office.  After the class is over, this area may be used for photos or students with their certificates/teacher/family.

DRESS AND DEPORTMENT:  The suggested dress code for festival classes is smart casual.  Boys:  collared shirts tucked into trousers (like those used for band), non-athletic shoes if possible.  Girls:  Conservative skirts, blouses, pant outfits, dresses, non-athletic shoes suitable for pedaling.  No tank tops, shorts, torn jeans, hoodies, sweatshirts, bare fashions, chewing gum, or eating.  For the final concerts, attire may be somewhat more formal.  Dress and deportment may be used to break a tie. 

BOWING:  In festival classes, bowing before performing is optional, but bowing after performing is required.  In final concerts, bowing before and after is required.

CLASS PROCEDURE:  When called to perform, students’ hand in their music (opened to the correct page), and wait for the adjudicator’s signal to begin.  After performing, students should smile and bow, then sit in the row indicated to await adjudications.

MUSIC:  Students must hand in a published copy of the edition used in the performance.  Students who use music while performing must hand in a published copy to the adjudicator.  Students who bring no music or an unauthorized photocopy will be given a Participation Certificate/Red Seal, but no mark, and will be ineligible to perform in the final concerts.  Students should claim their music at the end of the class.

PREPARATION OF MUSIC:  Place the student’s name on the cover of the book, and on the first page of the piece being played.  If not already done, number the measures at the beginning of each line.  When more than one selection is played, use labels to show the order of performance.  Erase unnecessary markings so that any notes the adjudicator wishes to place on the music can be seen.

ADJUDICATIONS:  All entries receive oral and brief written adjudications.  Adjudicators are encouraged to work with the student/instrument on one or two main points, as time permits.

CERTIFICATES, MARKS, AND SEALS:  are received by every participant.  All entries (except mini-lessons) receive a mark on the adjudication sheet, and a seal on the certificate based on the following:  GOLD:  88 and above – excellent to outstanding;  SILVER:  84-87 good to very good;  BRONZE:  80-83 fairly good to good;  RED/MAROON:  79 or less Fair; and for PARTICIPATION where no marks are given.  The adjudicator’s decision is final.

RANK AND TROPHIES:  There is no ranking in each grade, but a trophy will be awarded at the Final concert to the student who receives the highest mark in a competitive category (minimum 80%, no ties).  For example, in the competitive category of Baroque 4,5,6, there will be no 1st, 2nd, or 3rd places in each grade, but at the end of the category the adjudicator will announce the name of the winner (not the mark) and that the trophy will be presented at a final concert.  The teacher of the winning student will be notified. 

TROPHIES THAT NEED REPAIR:  must be returned to Trophy Convenor one week before the festival starts.  ALL trophies that are in good repair must be returned to the festival office during the first 3 days of the festival, otherwise a late fee of $25 will be charged.  Students should also pick up their Special Trophy Certificates at this time.  Families, please ensure that the trophies are dusted, polished, and ready to be presented to the new trophy winners.

FINAL CONCERTS:  The final concerts will be held for non-competitive classes, and trophy winners.  Teachers will be contacted no later than the evening before the concert and all eligible students are expected to perform.  Appropriate dress and deportment are expected.

VOLUNTEERS:  This 2-week festival is one of the best music festivals in BC.  BUT, we need your help!  We urgently require volunteer Desk Assistants to help the adjudicators.  The work is easy, and it’s an opportunity to listen to young musicians play, or to catch up on your reading.  Best of all, your volunteer session will help our excellent festival continue.  If you can arrange a session (about 3 hours) in an afternoon/evening, we would love to hear from you.  Thank you for giving the gift of music to your children.  Please contact the Festival Coordinator for more information.